Our Family Early Learning
Family and Cultural Events
Family is the heart and soul of Our Family Early Learning, it is interwoven into everything we do, we love nothing more than celebrating as one big family! These family and cultural events strengthen the relationship between kura (preschool) and home, by inviting family in for social events, our families form amazing, special relationships with each other. It is also an amazing opportunity for our teachers and families catch up with older siblings who have moved from preschool onto their next stages of their learning journey, as teachers we treasure these connections!! Drop off and pick up times can be extremely busy, these events are really special to our tamariki because they can share their learning with their families!
Our curriculum is strongly influenced by our multi-cultural learning community. Throughout the year we take pride in our cultural and family events, ensuring that all cultures are represented and everyone's sense of whanaungatanga (connections) is empowered and celebrated.
Over the year we hold many events which celebrate various cultural events like Lunar New Year, Matariki, Moon Festival, and Diwali to mention a few! We have celebratory concerts for Christmas, Easter, Matariki, Mother's / Father's Day and more! Throughout the year we also host information evenings for parents, family picnics at the park across the road, shared dinners, pizza nights and more!